day care center

美 [ˈdeɪ ker sentər]英 [ˈdeɪ keə sentə(r)]
  • 网络日托中心;托儿中心;日间托儿所
day care centerday care center


a nursery for the supervision of preschool children while the parents work
Synonym: day nursery


  1. Unfortunately , the day care center is full .


  2. We 've arranged for the representatives to visit one of our day care center .


  3. We go to the day care center to pick up our child .


  4. These are the day-to-day activities that we have in our day care center .


  5. The old schoolhouse continued to be used for social activities and a day care center .


  6. Some argue that attending a day care center can be a positive experience for children .


  7. A day care center is a place shared by children , staff ( including teachers ) and parents .


  8. Investigators also were testing children who fell ill at a day care center in the Bronx , Frieden said .


  9. She says some of the children were more likely to get sick from the kinds of infections commonly passed around a day care center .


  10. Logistic regression analysis showed that the main factor of . affacting children HCMV infection were condition of day care center , age , feeding method .


  11. The Study of the Interaction between Teachers and Children in Game in Kindergarten ; These are the day-to-day activities that we have in our day care center .


  12. Well , three more children have died from that day care center fire in Hermosillo , Mexico , and that brings the death toll now to 38 .


  13. They were at a day care center inside the Murrah Federal Building that day when that blasts ed pretty much a whole side of that building off .


  14. Mothers have traditionally stayed home with their children . In recent years , though , a growing trend is to put preschoolers in a day care center so Mom can work .


  15. So it seems they may have wooed multiple mates , and were then left in charge of a veritable dinosaur day care center , filled with their various girlfriends'eggs .


  16. Parcher and Murphy can 't have a day care center unless we have at least sixteen kids and without little Mindy , we only have fifteen .


  17. CMV was discovered from toys and container for urination at a day care center . Therefore , it is considered that close contact among the children at day care center will happen transmission of CMV .


  18. Let 's turn to some other news in Mexico right now , this story just horrified a lot of people with started coming across a while just today , here about 29 children dead more than 100 others injured after a fire swept through a state run day care center in the town there in Mexico .


  19. These children spend the day time hours at the Fr Ray Day Care Center where they receive nutritious meals and loving care .
